Misted Double Glazing Replacements – Easily Solved

Misted double glazing

What Is Misted Double Glazing

I have had numerous people asking me why is my double glazing steaming up on the inside? to answer I have tried to give the reasons and suggestions on remedying the problem. Misted double glazing occurs when the perimeter seal on the edge of the glass breaks down and allows moisture ingress. It usually comes as a surprise to most house holders as their first thought is to wipe away the condensation, however the problem is that you cant get at it. The condensation is neither on the outside of the window or the inside, it is between the glass in the middle of the double glazed unit meaning that the seal has broken down and is allowing moisture to seep inside the cavity.

The main cause for moisture ingress the seal around the unit has broken down over time and allowed dampness to penetrate between the edge of the glass and spacer bar.

Misted double glazing
Misted Double Glazing Replacements - Easily Solved 2

Can Blown Double Glazing Cause Damp

Blown double glazed units, if left will only get worse. If left they will gradually fill with water, this can lead to cold spots and eventually creating damp areas on the inner wall and willow mould to grow on wallpaper which is not only unpleasant but it will need to be redecorated if left for any length of time.

Another factor you need to weigh up in is heat loss through faulty double glazing windows. Whether or not can blown windows cause damp, an increased energy bill is something you’ll want to avoid, especially in the cost of living crisis.

How To Fix Misted Double Glazing

There are various fixes for condensation inside double glazing that can be found online, however here at Castle Lock We believe that the only true repair is replacing the faulty unit as in most cases the average price difference isn’t a huge amount where as replacing the misted unit gives peace of mind together with an extended guarantee.

Is Replacing Misted Double Glazing A Difficult Job

Replacing the Misted Double glazing is usually fairly easy if it is fitted into a PVC u window, however if fitted into timber frame you should make sure that you find a time served glazier as the process is far more difficult and the window frame is easily damaged if the fitter doesn’t take a great deal of care removing the old unit.

How much does it cost to replace misted double glazing

Replacing misted units is not expensive when compared to replacing a whole window. It is a painless job as there is very little disturbance to the window frame an decor. We will call out and give you a free estimate. PLEASE NOTE THERE IS NO SALESMEN INVOLVED and no money changes hands it is just a short visit to measure the windows and you will be given a price there and then and you will be left to make up your mind.

Should you decide to ahead with the work we will order the replacement units and give you a call to say they have arrived and ready to install.

Is it worth upgrading my misted double glazing units

You should think carefully about upgrading your double glazing. Yes there are some energy efficient upgrades, however if you are only changing one unit out of 3 or four in a window it wont make a large enough energy saving to warrant the upgrade. If on the other hand you are replacing all of the units in a particular room you might consider upgrading to “warm edge gas filled low E glass” which would make a considerable difference to the warmth of that room. There is also


If after reading this article you want any further information please don’t hesitate to contact us either on our contact page or by telephone we are always happy to discuss any issues you have. Castle Lock can remove any failed double glazed units and economically replace them with a new top quality kite marked units, we can supply and fit new double glazed units at a reasonable price without mess or hassle. Give us a call and we will give a free quotation, if you accept the quote we can usually complete the work within fourteen days from placing your order.